The ordering of the liturgical calendar is made on purpose. It begins with the coming of Jesus Christ in Advent and ends with the Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King.
With the presence of Jesus at the beginning and end of the Christian calendar, the whole year is sanctified, or Christified. Thus, there is no such thing as a fortunate or bad date.
However, Christ’s kingship is totally different. Christ is not sitting on a throne, but hanging on the cross. If the throne symbolizes status and comfort, the cross represents the renunciation of both. Christ as king is not served, but made Himself a servant of all.
He is not wearing a royal robe either, but only covered with a piece of cloth. His crown is not embroidered with precious stones, but with thorns. His fingers are not embellished with jewels; only his palms are pierced by nails.
He is not surrounded by an army, but tormentors. He is not in the company of dignitaries, but finds Himself in-between convicted robbers. He is not giving orders, but under sentence.
People do not pay homage to Him, but instead, treat Him with contempt. He receives no gift other than a taste of sour vinegar. He does not condemn, but forgives.
He is not only a ruler at one time, but the king of all times, in heaven and earth. Viva Cristo Rey! Hail, Christ the King! – By Father Elias Ayuban, CMF
Source: Licas Philippines