Pope Francis has reminded Catholics to make the right choices every day by not thinking about what they want but what is best for them.
“That is the choice we have to make daily,” said the pope in his message to the faithful during the observance of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, on No. 22.
He said the “interior discernment” can result either in “frivolous choices or in decisions that shape our lives.”
“Let us look to Jesus and ask him for the courage to choose what is best for us, to enable us to follow him in the way of love. And in this way to discover joy,” the pontiff said in his homily during Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Pope Francis’ homily, which is a reflection on the story of Jesus telling his disciples about the second coming, reminds everyone of the “consequences of our choices.”
We become what we choose, the pope said. “If we choose to steal, we become thieves. If we choose to think of ourselves, we become self-centered. If we choose to hate, we become angry. If we choose to spend hours on a cell phone, we become addicted.”
“Yet if we choose God, daily we grow in his love, and if we choose to love others, we find true happiness. Because the beauty of our choices depends on love,” he said.
The pontiff also spoke of the corporal works of mercy, as described by Jesus in the Gospel.
“If you are dreaming about real glory, not the glory of this passing world but the glory of God, this is the path to follow,” he said, adding that “the works of mercy give glory to God more than anything else.”
He also encouraged the faithful to ask themselves if they put these works into practice.
“Do I do anything for someone in need? Or do I do good only for my loved ones and my friends? Do I help someone who cannot give anything back to me? Am I the friend of a poor person?”
In his message during Angelus after Sunday Mass, Pope Francis pointed to the example of the Virgin Mary in her service to the Kingdom of God.
“Let us learn from her to enter the Kingdom of God right now, through the door of humble and generous service,” said the pope.
Source: Licas Philippines