Attack on Saint Pope John Paul II on feast of Our Lady of Fatima 40 years ago remembered

Pope Francis invited the faithful to pray as he recalled the attack on Saint Pope John Paul II 40 years ago during the weekly General Audience in the Vatican on Wednesday, May 12.

Greeting Polish pilgrims, the pontiff recalled the assassination attempt on Pope Saint John Paul II on May 13, 1981, during the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.

The late pope was shot and was seriously wounded as he passed through St Peter’s Square in an open car during a General Audience.

“He was certain that he owed his life to Our Lady of Fatima,” said Pope Francis in his address, adding that it should make everyone “aware that our lives and the history of the world are in God’s hands.”

“Let’s entrust the Church, ourselves and the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” said Pope Francis.

“Let’s pray for peace, for the end of the pandemic, for a spirit of penitence and for our conversion,” he added.

Reminding the faithful of the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima, the pope called on everyone to “place ourselves with trust under Her maternal protection, especially when we find ourselves in difficulty during our prayer life.”

Pope Francis again called on the the faithful to recite the Holy Rosary during the month of May to invoke the end of the pandemic and the possibility to start social and work activities again.

The pope has initiated a “marathon” of prayer during the month of May “to ask for the end of the pandemic.”

During the prayer “marathon,” a different Marian shrine from across the globe would lead the recitation of the Rosary every evening.

Source: Licas Philippines