Pope Francis reminds faithful of Jesus’ endless love

Pope Francis reminded the faithful that even if they commit sins, “Jesus’ prayer for each one of us does not cease” because his “love does not cease.”

The pontiff made the statement as he continued his catechism on prayer during his weekly General Audience on Wednesday, June 2.

He said that in the moment of trial and sin, “even in that sin,” Jesus is praying for everyone “with so much love.”

Pope Francis said that when one’s faith is at its weakest, Jesus’ love and prayer for everyone “become more intense, and we are at the center of his prayer.”

“Jesus prays for me, he is praying now before the Father and makes Him see the wounds he carried with him, to show the Father the price of our salvation, it is the love that he holds for us,” said the pope.

The pontiff said that prayer is “fundamental” in Jesus’s relationship with the people as it was fundamental in his relationship to his disciples.

Pope Francis said Jesus had chosen his disciples after a night of prayer.

“It would seem that the choice was not the best, as they all fled, they left him alone before the Passion; but it is precisely this, especially the presence of Judas, the future betrayer, that demonstrates that those names were inscribed in God’s plan,” he said.

The pope said that “prayer on behalf of his friends continually reappears in the life of Jesus… even in their errors, even when they fall.”

The pontiff cited an example when Jesus told Peter during the Last Supper that he prayed for him so that “your faith may not fail, and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren.”

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A woman prays inside an empty church in the Philippine capital amid the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Jire Carreon)

“It is impressive to know that at that moment, during the time of weakness, Jesus’ love does not cease,” said Pope Francis.

The pope explained that the great turning points of Jesus’ mission and life on earth “are always preceded by prayer, but not just in passing, by intense, prolonged prayer.”

“There is always prayer in those moments. This test of faith seems to be a goal, but it is instead a renewed starting point for the disciples because from then on, it is as if Jesus took on a new tone in his mission, speaking openly to them of his passion, death, and resurrection,” he said.

Pope Francis reminded the faithful that “prayer is the only source of light and strength,” adding that it is necessary to pray “more intensely, every time the road takes an uphill turn.”

“Once, a good bishop told me that in a very bad moment in his life, a very, very, very great trial, in which all was in darkness, he looked up in the Basilica and saw this phrase written: ‘I, Peter, will pray for you,’” the pope said.

Source: Licas Philippines