Complaining people
Reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B) One of life’s most unfair moments would perhaps be the fact that some people will continu…
Reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B) One of life’s most unfair moments would perhaps be the fact that some people will continu…
In today’s Gospel, Jesus faces the people who have followed him by boat after the feeding of the multitude. They are the same people who have been s…
A group of faith-based and indigenous organizations from across Asia launched online on Friday, July 30, a new institution dubbed the Asian School o…
Heavy monsoon rains triggered landslides and flash floods in refugees camps displacing thousands of Rohingya Muslims in southeastern Bangladesh, UN …
Pope Francis sent a letter to South Korea’s bishops thanking them for a donation of US$1 million to be used to purchase COVID-19 vaccines for the po…
Although the Philippines recently got a Tier 1 ranking from the United States’ 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report, human trafficking “still thrives …
A network of 800 organizations under the banner of the Global Catholic Climate Movement decided to rebrand itself and carry the title of Pope Franci…
Thailand banned on Friday the dissemination of “false messages” that affect security, drawing accusations from media groups that it is trying to cra…
Faith-based groups said they will work for the revival of peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the rebels even after those invol…
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met a representative of the Dalai Lama in New Delhi on Wednesday, a move likely to anger Beijing which consider…
Families stricken with COVID-19 are hoisting flags above their homes in Myanmar’s most populated cities to solicit much-needed donations during a th…
Many readers of this article are good people with a heart for child victims and want to help children to report abuse and ask how they can help. Kno…
President Rodrigo Duterte has restored a crucial pact governing the presence of US troops in the Philippines, the two countries’ defense ministers s…
Metro Manila will be under the strictest “enhanced community quarantine” or “lockdown” from August 6 to 20 after authorities recognized the threat p…
Pro-environment groups lauded the approval this week of a measure in the House of Representatives that seeks the gradual phaseout and ban of single-…
The Vatican unveiled on Thursday the official image of the 2022 World Meeting of Families in Rome. The image, painted by the Slovenian Jesuit pries…