Philippine bishops’ conference creates ‘office on stewardship’

Catholic bishops gather for their 120th plenary assembly in Manila in January 2020. (Photo by Roy Lagarde / CBCP News)

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines has created an “office on stewardship” to help dioceses implement projects, including the abolition of the “arancel” system.

The “arancel” system in the Church refers to the practice of giving stipends to priests for specific church services.

Monsignor Bernardo Pantin, CBPC secretary general, said the decision to set up the Episcopal Office on Stewardship was made during the bishops’ 122nd plenary assembly last week.

“One of the tasks of this office is to help the dioceses implement that pastoral letter issued last January about the spirituality of stewardship, which would lead to the abolition of ‘arancel’ in the celebration of the sacraments,” said Monsignor Pantin.

The assembly then elected Bishop Broderick Pabillo, who will be installed as the new bishop of Taytay on August 19, to head the new office.

The CBCP said the new office primarily aims to help dioceses that are having difficulty in implementing the Church’s stewardship program.

Source: Licas Philippines