Filipino faithful urged to pray Rosary daily in October for healing during pandemic

Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila called on the Filipino faithful to pray the Rosary during the month of October for healing in the midst of the pandemic.

“I invite everyone to pray the Rosary every day. Let us pray together as a family and as a community,” said the prelate over Radio Veritas 846.

The prelate stressed the importance of prayers and reflection in the midst of the global health crisis brought about by the new coronavirus disease.

The Catholic Church in the Philippines has declared the month of October as “Month of the Holy Rosary” primarily because of the observance of the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary on October 7.

The “Month of the Holy Rosary” is celebrated in many parts of the country with special acts of devotion in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, including the holding of prayer vigils, novenas, and the praying of the holy rosary in communities.

“During the time of the pandemic, let us continue asking for the help of the Blesses Virgin Mary through the Holy Rosary. We know that she will not fail us,” said the cardinal.

He said that the Catholic faithful have already experienced in the past how the Holy Rosary has given “freedom and light.”

In May, Pope Francis led a monthlong prayer marathon for an end to the pandemic through the recitation of the Rosary.

The pontiff asked Catholics to pray throughout the month of May for an end to the pandemic.

Each day of the month, a different Marian shrine led the faithful in a Rosary that was broadcast around the world.

Along with the cross and holy water fonts, the small beads that makeup Rosary beads are one of the most familiar and recognized symbols of Catholicism.

According to Catholic tradition, the rosary was instituted by the Blessed Virgin Mary herself.

In the 13th century, she is said to have appeared to St. Dominic and gave him a rosary and asked that Christians pray the Hail Mary, Our Father and Glory Be prayers instead of the Psalms.

Source: Licas Philippines