The Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care of the Philippine bishops’ conference welcomed reports that 91 percent of persons deprived of liberty in detention facilities under the care of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, has been vaccinated against COVID-19.
“We further acknowledge a similar effort being done by the Bureau of Corrections in their respective facilities, albeit reportedly for still a small percentage of PDLs,” read a statement released by Bishop Joel Baylon of Legazpi, chairman of the commission.
“We hope and pray that these urgent and necessary responses in behalf of our brothers and sisters in the various detention facilities all over the country – including the centers for children in conflict with the law – will guarantee that they will not be left behind or taken for granted, but be guaranteed protection and safety from the COVID-19 virus, like the rest of the country,” said the prelated.
The Bureau of Corrections, meanwhile, reported this week that more than 35,000 persons deprived of liberty, or more than 72.2 percent of the country’s inmate population in its penal farms and prison facilities, have received COVID-19 vaccines.
Source: Licas Philippines