FACT CHECK | PNP does not accept undergraduate applicants

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MindaNews fact-checked a post stating that undergraduates are qualified and that there is no age limit to enter the Philippine National Police (PNP). And once hired, they would get a starting salary of about P50,000 monthly. These claims are false.

A Facebook post claiming that K-12 graduates are eligible to enter the PNP with a starting monthly salary of P48,600 is false.

In a post on July 10, Facebook page DSWD NEWS UPDATE 2024 also falsely claimed that there is no age limit to become a new member of the PNP with the entry-level rank of patrolman or patrolwoman.

According to the PNP Recruitment and Selection Service, applicants to the PNP entrance examination must be a college graduate and must not be less than 21 years old nor more than 30 years old at the time of application.

It also stressed that the basic montly salary for a patrolman or patrolwoman is P29,668. The basic pay for entry-level members of the PNP was increased by 100 percent to P29,668 monthly effective January 1, 2018.

The other requirements to enter the police force, according to the PNP Recruitment and Selection Service,  are the following:

1. Philippine Statistics Authority birth certificate with receipt

2. Scholastic Records (must be original or authenticated)
      a. College Diploma
      b. Transcript of Record with GWA (general weighted average)
      c. Certification, authentication or verification from the school or  the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED).

3. Eligibility (must be original or authenticated)
       a. Board exam rating or
       b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) exam result or
       c. Civil Service Commission exam result or
       d. Honor graduate eligibility (PD 907)

4. Civil Service Commission Personal Data Sheet

5. National Police Commission (Napolcom) height or age waiver.

Some police stations in Mindanao warned applicants about the fake announcement, which did not indicate a deadline for the filing of requirements nor the date of the PNP entrance examination. .

The Napolcom had set the PNP entrance examination last June 30.

In a June 28 news release, Napolcom, the agency mandated to administer and control the PNP, said that 33,429 individuals would take the PNP entrance examination, the qualifying test for patrolman or patrolwoman.

This year, the PNP will reportedly recruit 10,000 new members, significantly higher than the 1,000 recruitment quota set for new police officers in 2022 and 2023.

As with all our other reports, MindaNews welcomes leads or suggestions from the public to potential fact-check stories. (Bong S. Sarmiento / MindaNews)