Image of Black Nazarene goes around Manila’s Quiapo district amidst pandemic

The venerated image of the Black Nazarene was brought out of Manila’s Quiapo church on Monday, September 15, for a religious procession to mark the Feast of the Holy Cross.

The three-hour procession provided thousands of devotees a glimpse of the life-sized image of what is believed to be a miraculous image of a dark-skinned, kneeling Jesus Christ.

People continue to visit the church in Quiapo amidst the government’s strict quarantine measures to show their devotion to the Black Nazarene.

Devotees followed the image during the procession on Monday despite the physical distancing and other health precautions being enforced by authorities.

“It offers them hope, especially now that people are sad and many are confused,” said Father Douglas Badong, vicar of the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene.

“It’s a plea to the Nazarene to end this virus,” said the priest, adding that the faithful are not only praying for their own intentions but for the whole world.

Monsignor Hernando Coronel, rector of the church in Quiapo, said they decided to hold the activity because there was no religious procession on Good Friday due to the pandemic.

The image of the Black Nazarene is traditionally brought out of the church for religious processions on Good Friday, New Year’s Eve, and on January 9.

Source: Licas Philippines