Pope Francis reminded newly elevated Cardinal Jose Advincula of Capiz to be humble and not forget the poor.
The pontiff also expressed hope that Cardinal Advincula’s new mission will lead him more to humility and service to the people.
“It is my hope that this vocation to which the Lord calls you will make you grow in humility and in the spirit of service,” said Pope Francis in a message to the new Filipino cardinal.
Cardinal Advincula read part of the letter during the November 18 episode of “Usapang Tomasino,” an online forum of the alumni association of priests the University of Santo Tomas.
“It’s one of the lines that really catch my attention,” said the cardinal. “But I think it’s not only addressed to me but to all of us priests and bishops,” he said.
Cardinal Advincula hopes to continue the programs of the social action center of his archdiocese, especially the projects for the poor in mission stations.
The archdiocese also runs mission schools and vocational schools in far-flung areas.
“We have pro-poor projects, which I hope I can continue as archbishop of Capiz and cardinal,” he said.
The archbishop is among the 13 new cardinals from different continents that were elevated to the rank by Pope Francis during the November 28 consistory in the Vatican.
Cardinal Advincula and Cardinal Cornelius Sim of Brunei were unable to attend the ceremony because of travel restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Vatican earlier said they will receive a biretta, a cardinal’s ring and title connected with a Roman parish from a papal representative “at another time to be determined.”
Source: Licas Philippines